30 percent of nurses are likely to leave their career, a seven-point increase since 2021, according to a new AMN Healthcare survey based on more than 18,200 completed questionnaires.

The startling new finding indicates the nursing shortage will continue to worsen for the foreseeable future absent any action. The survey also found that nurses view the labor shortage as dire.

About 94% of surveyed nurses said there was a severe or moderate shortage of nurses in their area, with about half indicating it was severe. The survey also found that nurses believe the shortage has worsened in recent years and will continue to do so.

According to the survey, nearly 9 in 10 nurses say the nursing shortage is worse than it was five years ago. Meanwhile, 8 in 10 nurses think the shortage will get much or somewhat worse over the coming five years.

These survey findings lead the report to find that “a crisis in nursing is upon us.” One remedy the report proposes is “expediting the passage of international nurses to this country.” The report’s authors argue that the “number of visas for these highly trained and experienced nurses should be expanded and immigration processes streamlined following the code of ethics for recruitment.”

Check out the full report here.