Our Aging Population Will Increase Strain on the Healthcare System

Registered nurses are the glue that keeps medical facilities together. Serving as patient advocates and skilled care providers, nurses provide a high level of direct care to patients. However, sustaining the United States healthcare workforce is a daunting task. Concerns surrounding a potential nursing shortage have loomed for years, and the situation has only worsened….

Understaffed Nursing Homes Are Most Severe in Disadvantaged Areas

Nursing is the largest healthcare profession in the U.S., accounting for about 4 million registered nurses. Filling a critical role in the function of hospitals, medical centers, and nursing homes, nurses provide expert care from birth to the end of life. However, the need for RNs has surged during the pandemic. This, combined with an…

Nursing Shortage Will Remain Unsolved without Foreign-Educated Nurses

Recent reporting from Skilled Nursing Newsoutlines how many in the healthcare sector believe immigration “is one obvious solution” to the nursing shortage that continues to undermine patients across the country. As noted in the article, the health care sector “is operating with 14% less of its pre-pandemic workforce” thanks to it losing “nearly 229,000 caregivers…

Anuzis: Clear Red Tape for More Nurses

America’s nursing shortage has existed for years, but the strain that covid-19 placed on our country’s healthcare system exacerbated the lack of professionals available to treat patients – including many seniors. But as 60 Plus President Saul Anuzis argues in a new op-ed in the Detroit News, the shortage doesn’t have to be this acute….

Kentucky Launches New Tuition Assistance to Attract Nurses

Nurses are a crucial component of our healthcare system, and they make up the largest occupation in the field. However, the nursing profession has also continued to make up the majority of healthcare job openings. The U.S. has experienced a rise in the shortage of nurses, and COVID-19 has exacerbated it as 1 in 5…

New Report Identifies Challenges and Approaches to Nursing Shortages

McKinsey & Company, the well-known management consulting and advisory firm, published a new report titled “Assessing the impact of COVID-19 on the nursing workforce” in May. The report, written by Gretchen Berlin, Meredith Lapointe, Mhoire Murphy, and Joanna Wexler, predicts the lingering impacts of COVID-19 on the nursing workforce over the next few years, as…

Foreign-Educated Nurses Fill a Critical Role, Argues Former Dep. Surgeon General

Admiral Kenneth Moritsugu is an expert when it comes to public health systems and policies. As the former Deputy Surgeon General of the United States as well as former Acting Surgeon General, he has a wealth of knowledge about the county’s health care system. He recently wrote an op-ed for RealClearHealth in which he discusses…